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CoRAI – Committee of the Regions - Automotive Intergroup



CoRAI is an interregional group of members and alternate members of the European Committee of the Regions providing opportunities to discuss, exchange views and increase expertise on the Future of the Automotive Industry in order to promote cooperation between local and regional authorities.

CoRAI is a platform for informal discussion bringing together members from different parties, committees and member states being interested in future developments of the automotive sector.

The Future of the Automotive Industry interregional group of the European Committee of the Regions was created in April 2009. The president of the group is Thomas Schmidt (DE/EPP). József Berényi (SK/EPP), María Victoria Chivite Navascués (ES/PES) and Barbara Eibinger-Miedl (AT/EPP) form the co-chair. The group currently has 45 members from 12 Member States: Austria, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

Aim: The Committee of the Regions' Future of the Automotive Industry interregional group (CoRAI) connects CoR members from automotive regions with industry, clusters and experts of the EU Institutions. The automotive sector provides 13.8 million in direct and indirect jobs in the EU, including 3.5 million jobs in manufacturing, 4.5 million in sales and maintenance and 4.5 million in transport. Regions with automotive industry and its suppliers are a fundamental part of this automotive ecosystem in Europe. They play a central role in the transformation that the automotive industry is experiencing due to the digitalisation and greening of transport.

The objectives are the following ones:

  • To facilitate the exchange of views and best practices on a just, fair and successful transformation of regions with automotive industry and its suppliers.
  • To exchange experiences among the territories about different issues concerning the automotive sector and the future of mobility (e.g. automated driving, sustainable transport fuels, skills, industrial policy, infrastructure, development of regions with automotive or supply industries);
  • To establish contacts and exchange views and best practices with the European Institutions and other stakeholders;
  • To foster contacts among automotive and mobility clusters, regions and cities.

Group meetings and activities

Working structure - the CoRAI Focus Group

In order to facilitate direct contacts, manage CoRAI activities and enable members to choose their individual level of involvement for themselves, this intergroup has established a support team, the so-called "CoRAI Focus Group". When joining, intergroup members are requested to nominate a contact person for this support team of mainly Brussels-based experts.

The intergroup president has appointed a secretary-general to organise the intergroup activities in close cooperation with the CoRAI Focus Group.

CoRAI meetings are open to automotive regions and stakeholders. Invitations are published on the CoRAI website in the calendar section.

During Styria's previous presidency, which ended in May 2023, meetings were held virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic. The recorded meetings as well as meeting documents and key messages chosen by the speakers themselves can be found here:

CoRAI and ARA - two sides of the same coin

In June 2022 the Automotive Regions Alliance (ARA) was founded on the initiative of the European Committee of the Regions. Since then CoRAI became a member of ARA and is working together closely on a just, fair and successful transformation of the automotive sector. In order to strengthen this cooperation, a working agreement was signed in November 2023 between CoRAI, ARA and the Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA) to jointly ensure a just and sustainable transition of the European automotive regions through cooperation between the three parties and a collaborative approach towards the challenges of the automotive-mobility ecosystem: Working Agreement on a Strategic Partnership for a Just and Sustainable Transition of European Automotive Regions (EN)

Mission statement

Declaration for a just, fair and successful transition (EN)

see download in all other languages below:



ASA – CoRAI – ARA operational programme 

ASA – CoRAI – ARA operational programme 2024 (EN)



28.11 - 29.11.2024 Third Political Conference of the Automotive Regions Alliance (ARA) in Milan and Monza, Italy
organised by ARA 

CoRAI Meeting "Quo vadis? What Europe's automotive regions can expect from the EU Commission" (CoR, JDE 51)

Expert Keynote Speeches

María Victoria Chivite Navascués ​​​(ES/PES)
President of the Regional Government of Navarre
Co-Chair of CoRAI

María Isabel Blanco Llamas ​​​(ES/EPP) 
Vice-President of the Regional Government of Castilla and León

15.10.2024 Political Breakfast on “Just Transition of Automotive Regions” at the European Parliament
co-organized by ARA regions Navarre, Lombardy and Saxony

Political Workshop on "Driving Transformation: Talent Development in Automotive Regions" (09:30 - 11:00, CoR, JDE 51)

in cooperation with the Automotive Regions Alliance (ARA) and the Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA) as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities 

Carmen Maeztu
Regional Minister for Social Rights, Social Economy and Employment of the Government of Navarre 

Thomas Schmidt
Minister for Regional Development of the Free State of Saxony
CoRAI Chair

Judith Kirton-Darling
General Secretary of industriAll European Trade Union

Petr Dolejsi
Mobility & Sustainable Transport Director of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA)
Vice-President of the Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA)


CoRAI Meeting "The 2024 European Elections: What the new European Commission and Parliament should focus on to ensure a fair and just transition"

Expert Keynote Speeches

Marco Marsilio (IT/ECR)
President of the Abruzzo region
Rapporteur "A Just Transition for all EU regions", COTER Commission

Judith Kirton-Darling
General Secretary of industriAll European Trade Union
Policy Fields: Industrial Policy, Decarbonisation, Just Transition

26.03. -
External Seminar of the ECON Commission in Chemnitz (Saxony, DE)
18.03. - 19.03.2024 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities in Mons (BE)
12.03.2024 CoRAI Focus Group Meeting

CoRAI Meeting "A glance back and ahead: Stocktaking of six months chairmanship & setting the course for 2024"

Expert Keynote Speeches

Susana Solís Pérez (ES/Renew)
Member of the European Parliament, Renew Group, Spain

Renew Europe's Coordinator for the REGI Committee
Shadow Rapporteur on the position on Euro 7 emission standards for motor vehicles

Petr Dolejsi
Mobility & Sustainable Transport Director of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA)
Vice-President of the Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA)

21.11.2023 CoRAI Focus Group Meeting

Second Political Conference of the Automotive Regions Alliance (ARA) in Pamplona, Spain

Handover of the ARA chairmanship from CoRAI Chairman Thomas Schmidt to María Victoria Chivite Navascués, President of the Regional Government of Navarre and Co-Chair of CoRAI

The conference served to sign the Working Agreement between ARA, CoRAI and ASA and to adopt the Navarre Declaration.


Political Breakfast on the subject "Regions in transition - the automotive challenge" during the European Week of Regions and Cities hosted by State Minister Thomas Schmidt


Meeting between ARA/CoRAI-Chairman Thomas Schmidt and Commissioners Thierry Breton and Nicolas Schmit in Brussels 

The meeting focused on the challenges posed by the EU's climate targets for the further training and qualification of skilled workers in the automotive industry.


CoRAI Meeting "A Just and Sustainable Transition for Automotive Regions!"

Appointment of State Minister Thomas Schmidt as CoRAI Chairman

Sven Schulze
Minister for Economic Affairs, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt
Rapporteur of the opinion “A Just and Sustainable Transition for Automotive Regions” drafted in the COTER Commission


Launch of the Route 35 platform

Commissioner Thierry Breton held a speech on "our priorities for achieving our electrification goals" at the launch of the Route 35 platform - the Automotive Regions (CoRAI + ARA) took part in the discussion! 
Find his full speech here.


Co-Creation workshop with GD Grow

The EU commission invited members of the CoRAI Focus Group to participate in a co-creation workshop on the future of the mobility ecosystem. One of the three panels was especially dedicated to Automotive Regions' needs.


Leipzig-Conference: First meeting of the Alliance of Automotive Regions

First political meeting of the Automotive Regions Alliance (ARA) - including CoRAI - taking place in Leipzig. EU commissioner Nicolas Schmit listened very carefully to Automotive Regions' needs!

Have glimps at the event via YouTube!



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